New Beginnings

Crystal-Eves-New-SiteThis is the opening blog post for my new redesigned website.  If you’ve found your way to this post, then you’ve been on the site—I hope you like the new look!

The idea was to update the feel and function of the site and also to lay the foundation for the new products and events that I’ll be launching in 2020.  When these become available, they’ll be listed on the new “Growing with Astrology” section of the site.

This new section is for people who want to continue a journey of growth using astrology and it will also have information for those who are interested in deepening their understanding of the craft of astrology.  It’s just one of the ways I’m hoping to help people with their journey, in between consultations.

In addition to that, this site also lists my speaking engagements, in case you’d like to catch one of my lectures or presentations live, or streaming, when available.

I haven’t carried over any of the old blog posts from the old site—this is a fresh start.  At this point, I’ve been writing intermittently for about 18 years (since Sept 2002) and I’ve been seeing clients since March of 1989.  It’s nice when you have a long history, to reboot every once and a while and start with some fresh energy.  That’s what this launch represents—an injection of newness, and an announcement of my intention to be present in the world in a slightly different way, by building on my experience but releasing enough of the old to make room for new growth.

This year Pluto and Saturn joined together and Jupiter will soon pass over them both—in astro-speak this means that it’s a great time to release the old and tired  to clear the space for future plans and visions.  This is one way that I’m symbolizing this energy in my own life.

Many thanks to for their amazing work and the wonderful way they partner in order to actualize a concept!